Re-inventing Online Liquor Licensing Application System
Public & Social Sector
Ethnographic Design Research
UX & UI Design
Qualitative Usability Research
Digital Strategy and Transformation
Research Methodology
Ethnographic Observation & Interview
Co-creation Workshop
Design Thinking for Innovation
Brandnographer reinvented the Liquor Licence Processing System (LLPS) to become the go-to channel for the licensing process, designing the system to be more transparent and efficient.
The Challenge
In the era of rapid digitalization, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) is confronted with its time-worn and intricate e-licencing system and users who have increasingly high expectations towards service accessibility and convenience.
Brandnographer was required to dive deep into the current system and practices to comprehend the rationales behind, so as to strike a balance in both practicality and idealism when designing the new system services and developing prototypes.
Our Solution
Through exploration of the entire application process, both digital and physical, from internal to external stakeholders’ perspectives, Brandnographer was able to locate nuances and pain points by comparing users’ digital and offline habits, and designed a seamless and consistent user journey that increases users’ overall task success rate. Brandnographer had conducted 5 in-depth interviews, 3 10-people focus group discussions and participated in internal stakeholders’ meetings to build and test hypotheses, gathering the needs and pain points from all aspects.
The preliminary user research is then followed by another month of prototype design, co-design and ideation, reiteration and usability testing with users, where users have to wear the hat of an UI/ UX designer in 2 separate sets of co-creation workshops, learn and discuss how to improve visual communication and design.
Working with FEHD, Brandnographer designed a brand-new look for the system and will help convert more streamlined and efficient service workflow, centralising and raising the effectiveness of the liquor licensing process. The prototype has a proven 100% satisfaction rate from public users for the improved navigation and form-filling experience.
User satisfaction rate