Exploring a New Resort Market with Club Med
Hotel & Tourism
Consumer Segmentation & Targeting
Experience Design & Strategy
Brand Proposition
Innovative Growth Strategies
Research Methodology
Focus Group
Ideation & Activation Workshop

To capture the essence of multi-generational consumers’ needs and mindset when traveling, Club Med invited Brandnographer to help define and reshape the experience of travellers.
The Challenge
Club Med sought to revisit and reposition core values and communication strategies in order to strengthen target audience traction.
Brandnographer worked closely with Club Med to define a winning brand proposition that captured distinct opportunities in the Chinese hospitality market, through crafting actionable brand experiences that enhanced the brand equity of Club Med’s Sanya resort.
Our Solution
As the hospitality industry is so diverse and the possible destinations are endless, considering what values are central to travellers is somewhat of a comprehensive task. Brandnographer knew that it would be crucial to understand the rationales, demands and core values that influence consumers’ decision-making; from the big picture to specific and minute details.
Brandnographer approached the challenge with focus groups that helped identify user’s needs when traveling. The study revealed two types of users; parents and children. Both groups wanted to escape from the stress of daily routines. Brandnographer also held internal client workshops with Club Med. The purpose was to refine suggestions based on our client’s knowledge in real operations.

As ‘Edutainment’ is a growing demand for family vacations, Brandnographer unraveled market opportunities and enhanced the soft power of their resort. Brandnographer created an unique customer experience while simultaneously managing Club Med’s brand position around the idea of ‘meaningful play’. ‘Meaningful play’ would involve every part of the customer journey before, during and after stay, recommending many “aha” moments that surprised and inspired kids.
Group annual revenue
Operation revenue
Occupancy rate